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The Perverse and Damaging Effect of Targets

Session outline: We live in a world full of targets with incentives, both positive and negative, to achieve them. Targets are seen as and imposed as a 'must achieve' thing in order to improve the organisation. But do targets help improve an organisation or are they at the root of unbridled waste and damage? Do they help with better service and higher quality, or do they cause more waste and frustration? Dr Kevan Leach of the CQI Deming Special Interest group (DemSig) lifts the lid on targets and their effect in organisations.

Speaker information: Dr Kevan G Leach has over forty years’ experience in food industry operations in the UK, USA, Europe, and Japan. He taught Deming principles at degree and post degree level, and has regularly contributed to MBA modules. He is also a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of both the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Kevan is also a member of the CQI Deming Special Interest group (DemSig).

Creator: CQI

Date of recording: 23 April 2024

Duration: 36 minutes

Price: Members – free, Non-members – £10

Price: £10.00